"Improve Parents’ Attitude Regarding Pediatric Weight Management Interv" by Kayla Davis

Date of this Version


Document Type

DNP Project


Childhood obesity rates have significantly increased over the years, leading to a higher risk of secondary illnesses affecting the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Before implementing any weight management program, beliefs and attitudes toward healthy lifestyle modifications must first be assessed. This study aimed to identify parents’ attitudes toward pediatric weight management education. The Health Belief Model was used as the theoretical framework for the study. The study was completed at a primary care pediatric office in Margate, Florida. A total of 10 parents of pediatric patients with a body mass index of ≥95th percentile were invited to participate in the quality improvement project where they completed both pre- and post-educational surveys that consisted of 14 and 12 questions respectively. The questions assessed how important is it for the child to: get at least 8 hours of sleep per night, not skip breakfast, exercise for at least 1 hour every day, eat 5 servings of fruits and / or vegetables per day, drink enough water every day, avoid juices and sodas, avoid cookies and chips, limit electronics to less than 2 hours per day, avoid skipping meals, maintain a healthy weight, understand healthy eating, and have a well-balanced diet. A paired samples t-test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of weight management education. The test showed a statistically significant improvement in parents’ attitudes toward weight management strategies when comparing the pre-and post-test. Education regarding weight management should first be provided to parents of obese pediatric patients to improve their attitude toward healthy lifestyle modifications for their child to promote adherence and success in the weight management program.
