"Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) Suicide Algorithm’s Ed" by Ernesto L. Sarduy

Date of this Version


Document Type

DNP Project


Background: Suicide, regardless of whether it is completed, presents itself as a highly intricate and complex public health and global issue. Pre-suicidal behaviors are displayed in various ways depending on gender, age, geographical location, and socio-political status. Certain related principles from various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and biology, can be incorporated into creating an algorithm to guide clinical nursing practice in identifying suicidal behavior(s) that may lead to suicide attempts.

Purpose/Methods: This Quality Improvement (QI) project utilized a Level I, randomized controlled trial, non-equivalent group pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design to assess the effectiveness of the suicide algorithm’s educational lesson plan.

Results: The assessment of the effectiveness of a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner, Board Certified (PMHNP-BC) led initiative, which was to design and create an educational lesson plan that was tailored specifically to serve registered nurse’s (RNs) yielded that the registered nurses (n=34) were the best category followed by unit secretaries (n=4) and finally the nursing assistants (n=8) in comprehending the content of the educational lesson plan.

Conclusion: This QI project was led by a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, board certified (PMHNP-BC) for registered nurses who care and serve this vulnerable veteran population. The author recommends that future QI projects are to be created by advanced practice nurse(s) for advanced practice nurses.
