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Document Type

DNP Project





Improvement of patient satisfaction as the result of video-based education on neuraxial/labor analgesia in primary-spoken languages was the focus of the Quality Improvement Program. The development of a culturally sensitive, patient-centered video on pain management was introduced for the intervention. The Randomized Control was conducted at a single teaching institution in a major metropolitan area of Florida. Subjects recruited include parturients ages 18 to 43, scheduled for induction or early labor, and admitted for vaginal delivery.

The Quality Improvement Program utilized two standardized videos on epidurals in English or Spanish. The control group received the current practice to include the pre-anesthetic assessment with the verbal “in-person” presentation, and the intervention group receives the educational video. Post-partum questionnaires for both the control group and intervention group utilized a 5-point Likert scale. The patients completed an anonymous survey postpartum for data collection and analysis.

The study comprised of two cohorts: primary English-speaking and primary Spanish-speaking labor patients. The results from the post-partum surveys resulted in a sample size of 52. The Mann-Whitney U Test was utilized to analyze the data. At a confidence level of .05, the results revealed the distribution as approximately normal. The value of U is 308.5, z-score is 0.95215, p-value is 0.17106. The statistical analysis did not demonstrate a significant difference, but the combined survey results for Strongly Agree/Very Satisfied and Agree/Satisfied responses reveal satisfaction with the video (100% IG). Information provided improved health literacy, and patient satisfaction with both methods, evidenced by the survey results.



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