Date of this Version


Document Type

DNP Project



Background: Reducing the spread of HIV can be facilitated through the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis or PrEP. Despite this, there are significant gaps in provider knowledge of PrEP prescribing. This problem is exacerbated when older adults, who are at greater risk for contracting the disease, require care.

Objective: The purpose of this quality improvement project was to increase provider knowledge of PrEP prescribing in older adult patients who identify as members of the LGBTQ community.

Methods: Using a pre-/post-intervention framework, providers working at a primary care clinic were recruited to participate in the project. Baseline knowledge of PrEP prescribing and sexual health care in older adults was assessed and this was followed by an educational intervention on these topics. Following education, provider knowledge was reassessed.

Results: A total of eight providers were recruited for the project including six females (75%). The mean pre-test knowledge scores before the educational intervention was 55 and increased to 95 following education. Inferential comparison of the scores using a Mann-Whitney U-test indicated that the change in scores was statistically significant (P < .001).

Conclusions: Provider education of PrEP and PrEP prescribing in older adults is an evidence-based solution that can improve provider knowledge of the topic. The results suggest that action should be taken to maintain the project at the practice site while also seeking additional sites to expand provider education on PrEP.
