Date of this Version


Document Type

DNP Project



Background: Retinopathy of prematurity is a leading but preventable cause of blindness in children worldwide. In the United States, approximately 600 premature neonates become legally blind each year. Over 50,000 children suffer visual impairment as a result of ROP globally. Laser photocoagulation therapy is a procedure to treat ROP and improve short and long-term outcomes.1 Pain management during this procedure is imperative to prevent adverse events in the neonate. An optimal analgesic agent that is safe and efficacious is needed to provide adequate analgesia.2 The purpose of this review was to identify effective treatment methods to reduce pain in neonates undergoing procedures for ROP.1

Methods: An extensive search was performed using online electronic journal databases including CINAHL Plus with Full Text, PubMed, and Embase to identify research studies within the past 7 years that evaluated the effectiveness of intravenous fentanyl for pain management in infants undergoing ROP procedures.

Results: Of the articles reviewed, 5 were considered relevant for review. Research studies that evaluated the effectiveness of analgesia in the neonatal population during screening and laser photocoagulation for ROP were identified.
