Date of this Version


Document Type

DNP Project




Background: In the United Sates, nearly 1 million people identify as being transgender and 2% (671) of transgender people were diagnosed with HIV in the U.S. and dependent areas in 2019 (CDC, 2022b). Studies have reported of transgender people avoiding the healthcare setting due to fear of facing stigma and discrimination. Due to this stigma and discrimination in the healthcare setting, transgender people may choose not to participate in HIV screening. The studies also emphasized a lack of LGBTQ+ education in the academic setting. The purpose of this quality improvement project (QIP) was to improve the knowledge of healthcare professionals regarding transgender stigma and discrimination in the healthcare setting and how it affects their willingness to participate in HIV screening in the primary care setting.

Methods: The findings from literature reviews were used in the creation of this QIP. A survey was created for the pre- and post-intervention. The survey consisted of 12 demographic questions and 15 knowledge questions on transgender stigma, discrimination, and HIV. Twenty-three participants completed the pre-survey, and eighteen participants completed the educational session and post-survey. A 30-minute evidenced-based educational session was conducted at a primary care clinic on transgender stigma and discrimination in the healthcare setting and how it affects HIV screening.

Results: There was a 31.05% mean increase from the pre-survey to the post-survey after the 30-minute educational session was conducted. The results indicated improvement in the knowledge question responses after the 30-minute educational session. Knowledge scores from the pre- and post-surveys were compared which were statistically significant based on the p-value.

Conclusion: These findings indicated that by educating healthcare professionals on transgender stigma and discrimination in the healthcare setting, it can increase their knowledge and improve transgender patients experience when seeking medical care.
