Archives Day
Code of Conduct
The Archives Day Organizing Committee seeks to provide a positive event environment in which diverse participants may learn, network, and enjoy the company of colleagues in an environment of mutual human respect. We recognize a shared responsibility to create and hold that environment for the benefit of our members and others who attend, participate in, and support our events.
All attendees and speakers at Archives Day are required to agree to the following code of conduct. Organizers will enforce this code throughout the event. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody.
Expected Behavior
Respectful and considerate behavior in all interactions.
Unacceptable Behavior
- Harassment, abusive behavior or intimidation based on race, color, religion, language, gender, age, sex, national origin, disability status, appearance, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.
- Sexual harassment or intimidation, including unwelcome sexual attention, stalking (physical or virtual), or unsolicited physical contact or invasion of personal space.
- Other acts of harassment including, but not limited to, bullying, abusing, and yelling.
- Any verbal or physical threats or acts of violence.
- Any other disrespectful or abusive behavior.
- Speakers and attendees are asked to frame discussions as openly and inclusively as possible and to be aware of how words or images may be perceived by others.
Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior
Participants violating these rules may be expelled from the event and may result in the person demonstrating that behavior being asked to immediately disassociate from the South Florida Archives Collective (SFAC), either temporarily or in perpetuity.
What to Do if you Witness or are Subjected to Unacceptable Behavior
If you are subjected to unacceptable behavior, notice that someone else is being subjected to unacceptable behavior, or have any other concerns, please notify one of the event’s organizers as soon as possible. All reports will remain completely confidential.