Guided by Experience/ A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Military Responses to Natural Disasters in Haiti (2010 and 2021)

Author Information

Christopher Davis

Security Theme

Natural Disasters


natural disasters, political instability, haiti, unified response


This source explains how Haiti experienced natural disasters and political instability, especially after a wave of earthquakes struck it in 2021. Haiti was still recovering from the effects of the previous earthquake before being struck by the second wave. It was such a painful experience.



Guided by Experience/ A Comparative Analysis of the U.S. Military Responses to Natural Disasters in Haiti (2010 and 2021)

This source explains how Haiti experienced natural disasters and political instability, especially after a wave of earthquakes struck it in 2021. Haiti was still recovering from the effects of the previous earthquake before being struck by the second wave. It was such a painful experience.