Juana Vicente

Juana Vicente


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In this interview, Juana Vicente shares her experience with extreme heat being a nursery worker. She shares her thoughts on the difference in the manual labor between working at a nursery in Miami compared to a farm back home. She explains the working conditions which she must operate in, such as no water breaks, no shade, no rest, and until recently, no clean bathrooms or bathroom breaks. She recalls the recent occurrence that there were no clean bathrooms, porta potties, at the nursery where she works until a worker filed a complaint with OSHA. Juana has been in the U.S. for seven months and has become a part of the social change organization, We Count! in order to make a difference in the passing of a law that will provide outside workers such as herself, with basic needs such as water, shade, and rest. She expands on the organization and the legislation.

Publication Date



Florida International University


Homestead, Florida


Florida International University, Extreme heat, Que Calor, We Count


Public Policy | Social Justice


Video Length: 00:25:55

Biography: Juana Vicente is a native from Guatemala. She was born and raised in a small, rural farm town where she would seasonally farm coffee beans. Her first language is Mayan Mam. She has been in Miami for seven months and traveled here with her husband and 4 year old daughter. Julia joins meetings for the Que Calor! campaign that voices for heat standards regulations for workers that do outside labor. Marta, one We Count! organizer aided in the interview with interpretation.

Juana Vicente



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