Julieta Isabel Díaz González

Julieta Isabel Díaz González


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This interview contains the story and voice of the outdoor worker and We Count! leader, Julieta Isabel Diaz Gonzalez. The interview explores her background working in agriculture, her experience as an outdoor worker under the extreme heat in Florida, and her role in the Que Calor! campaign and We Count organization. Julieta describes the harsh conditions under which she works including demanding physical labor without a supply of water or rest. She speaks on the generational breakthrough she is experiencing in holding a position of leadership with other outdoor workers and taking action towards making changes in her community.

Publication Date



Florida International University


Homestead, Florida


Florida International University, WeCount, Que Calor, outdoor workers, plant nurseries, labor movement, heat, heat standards, heat campaign, South Florida, worker rights, work conditions, immigrants, leadership, advocacy


Public Policy | Social Justice


Video Length: 00:19:10

Biography: Julieta Isabel Díaz González is 39 years old and is originally from Guatemala. As of 2023, she has been in the U.S for 5 years. From a young age, Julieta worked in the Guatemalan agriculture industry. She has 5 children to whom she dedicates her hard work. She currently works in a nursery in Florida in which she faces the strenuous conditions of being an outdoor worker under the extreme heat. Her experience in this environment has led her to work closely with the organization We Count! Julieta is a leader in the Que Calor! campaign which advocates for a heat standard for outdoor workers in Florida.

Julieta Isabel Díaz González



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