Beneath the Surface: Oral Histories of South Florida’s Waters

Jill Reiter

Jill Reiter


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In this interview, Jill Reiter discusses her experience growing up in Miami and falling in love with water advocacy. She explains the environmental changes in Miami she has noticed over the years since her childhood, and how a marine biology class in high school inspired her passion for water advocacy. Jill refound her love of the water when she left her career as a lawyer to become a stay-at-home mom and took classes to become certified as an Advanced Florida Master Naturalist in her free time. Jill talks about the education work she has done as a volunteer ranger at Everglades National Park, her experiences on Miami Waterkeeper’s board of trustees, and the importance of educating the next generations of Miami’s communities about the importance of caring for our waterways.

Publication Date



Florida International University


Miami, Florida


Florida International University, Miami Waterkeeper, Everglades National Park, Environment, Waterways, Miami, Education, Community, Florida Master Naturalist, South Florida


Earth Sciences | Marine Biology | Oceanography and Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology


Video Length: 00:30:03


Jill Soman Reiter is a Miami native and lives in Pinecrest with her husband, Jack. Growing up in Miami, she has always had a passion for the uniqueness of South Florida’s ecosystems and the protection of them. She holds an undergraduate business degree from Emory University and J.D. from the University of Miami School of Law. She practiced real estate law for several years in Miami and then spent time raising their 3 sons and volunteering for many different local organizations. She is a certified Advanced Florida Master Naturalist and former volunteer ranger at Everglades National Park with the EKIP program. Jill is passionate about educating the next generation to help preserve and protect South Florida’s precious waters and unique ecosystems.

Jill Reiter



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