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Start Date

3-6-2024 1:00 PM

End Date

3-6-2024 1:25 PM

Presentation Summary

The goal of this project is to showcase the diverse individuals that contribute to making libraries a unique and special place. The existence of libraries is owed to the hardworking individuals who turn them into unparalleled institutions, offering resources and knowledge to all. When a library worker retires, takes on a new role, passes on, or relocates, the library suffers an irreparable loss. One method to capture the unique qualities of library employees is through sit-down interviews. This opportunity allows library employees to demonstrate their individuality, intelligence, and creativity within the library and beyond. Furthermore, the interview acts as a time capsule, allowing them to revisit their perspectives on themselves, the library, and their life aspirations. This project enabled us at the library to develop a deeper understanding of one another. It strengthens our initial belief that the library can have a positive impact by providing resources to academic and public communities, and this wouldn't be possible without the dedicated staff who make it a reality.

Presenters Bio

Edward Velez has been working in libraries for about half a decade as a library assistant, then librarian, and now Assistant Director. He has a MLIS and a master's degree in psychology. He is a licensed Mental Health Counselor and worked as so for many years in a private practice and in a public hospital, before entering the library field.


community, oral history, team building, visual history

Learning Outcomes

It fosters team building and a good method to capture a visual record of history.

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Jun 3rd, 1:00 PM Jun 3rd, 1:25 PM

Chapters from the Library

The goal of this project is to showcase the diverse individuals that contribute to making libraries a unique and special place. The existence of libraries is owed to the hardworking individuals who turn them into unparalleled institutions, offering resources and knowledge to all. When a library worker retires, takes on a new role, passes on, or relocates, the library suffers an irreparable loss. One method to capture the unique qualities of library employees is through sit-down interviews. This opportunity allows library employees to demonstrate their individuality, intelligence, and creativity within the library and beyond. Furthermore, the interview acts as a time capsule, allowing them to revisit their perspectives on themselves, the library, and their life aspirations. This project enabled us at the library to develop a deeper understanding of one another. It strengthens our initial belief that the library can have a positive impact by providing resources to academic and public communities, and this wouldn't be possible without the dedicated staff who make it a reality.