LACC Working Paper Series (2001 - ) | Kimberly Green Latin American and Carribbean Center (LACC) Publications Network | Florida International University

The LACC Working Paper Series allows scholars, students and policy analysts to share work in progress. LACC invites members of the FIU community and beyond to submit their work and to comment on the papers already posted in this section. Send submissions and critiques to Michael Collier, Director of Research.


Papers from 2007


Boliva on the Brink (CSR No. 24), Eduardo A. Gamarra

Papers from 2006


Bibliographia Anotada Del Manejo Comunitario de los Bosques en Mexico, con Bibliografia Adicional sobre los Bosques de Mexico en general (Working Paper No. 2), Rosa E. Cossio, David B. Bray, Simón Bult, and Leticia Merino Pérez


Has Bolivia Won the War? Lessons from Dignidad (Working Paper No. 3), Eduardo A. Gamarra

Papers from 2005


Rethinking Latin American and Caribbean Security: A Transtate Approach (Working Paper No. 10), Michael W. Collier


Examining the Evidence on Social Polarization: Venezuelan Society Before and After the Election of Chávez (Working Paper Series No. 11), Jennifer Cyr

Papers from 2004


Colombian Migration to South Florida: A Most Unwelcome Reception (Working Paper No. 9), Michael W. Collier

Papers from 2003


Conflict Vulnerability Assessment Bolivia (Working Paper No. 8), Eduardo A. Gamarra


Evaluación de la Vulnerabilidad de Conflicto en Bolivia (Working Paper No. 8), Eduardo A. Gamarra

Papers from 2002


The Effects of Political Corruption on Caribbean Development (Working Paper No. 5), Michael W. Collier


Illegal Drugs in Colombia: from illegal economic boom to social crisis (Working Paper No. 2), Francisco E. Thoumi

Papers from 2001


The Colombian Diaspora in South Florida (Working Paper No. 1), Michael W. Collier and Eduardo A. Gamarra