Jain Studies | Department of Religious Studies | Florida International University
FIU's Jain Studies Program is the first of its kind in the western hemisphere. Rooted in scholarship on the history, scriptures, doctrines, art, practices and literature of Jainism, the program extends to apply such key Jain concepts of Ahimsa (non-harm), Aparigraha (non-possession) and Anekantavada (non-absolutism) to a range of fields such as Business, Law, Environmental Studies, Economics and Development Studies. Jain Studies at FIU includes courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, infusing Jain perspectives into courses in a wide variety of disciplines, study abroad programs, lectures and symposia. The program also offers support for student and faculty research, exchange programs, and extracurricular activities such as Preksha meditation and hosts events in conjunction with the South Florida Jain community.


Submissions from 2023


Silent Music and Sacred Sounds of the Hoysaḷas: Visual and Aural Sensory Experiences in Jain and Hindu Temples, Vani Vignesh