Immigration and Migration Research at FIU

Immigration and Migration Research at FIU

Florida International University has a multitude of faculty and students committed to understanding immigration and migration through public health, medicine, economics, international affairs, integration, and race, among other topics. With an emphasis on immigration and migration to the United States from Latin America and the Caribbean, FIU is a preeminent institution in this field. Through this collection of immigration and migration research, we hope to grant other scholars, students, researchers, and interested persons improved access to our resources as a University.


Browse the Immigration and Migration Research at FIU Collections:

ALL FIU Immigration Research

College of Arts, Sciences & Education Immigration Research

College of Communication & The Arts Immigration Research

Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Immigration Research

Nicole Wertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciences Immigration Research

Robert Stemple College of Public Health & Social Work Immigration Research

School of International and Public Affairs Immigration Research