Habits of Mind: Preparing Agile Students for the VUCA Age

Speaker's Country of Origin



Ocean Bank Convocation Center

Start Date

18-5-2018 9:00 AM

End Date

18-5-2018 10:00 AM

Presentation Type / Tipo de propuesta


Description / Descripción

One of the greatest dilemmas for educators today is how to prepare students for VUCA (Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) lives. Students are entering our schools with 21sstt century expectations. They are using their technologies as they are connected with a greatly enlarged world while, at the same time, engaged in their daily lives at the local level. Although there are many moving parts, what is stable is the need to become an efficacious and agile thinker in order to make sense and how to take action. The Habits of Mind serve as dispositions in which all learners-- adults and students-- can engage that help them become successful participants in that uncertain future.


Event Location

May 18th, 9:00 AM May 18th, 10:00 AM

Habits of Mind: Preparing Agile Students for the VUCA Age

Ocean Bank Convocation Center

One of the greatest dilemmas for educators today is how to prepare students for VUCA (Volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous) lives. Students are entering our schools with 21sstt century expectations. They are using their technologies as they are connected with a greatly enlarged world while, at the same time, engaged in their daily lives at the local level. Although there are many moving parts, what is stable is the need to become an efficacious and agile thinker in order to make sense and how to take action. The Habits of Mind serve as dispositions in which all learners-- adults and students-- can engage that help them become successful participants in that uncertain future.