Living in the Narrative: Recognizing and respecting diverse backgrounds and perspectives

Presenter Information / Informacion del presentador

Natalie Belli

Speaker's Country of Origin



RDB 2005

Start Date

19-5-2018 11:45 AM

End Date

19-5-2018 12:45 PM

Presentation Type / Tipo de propuesta

Guest Speaker

Description / Descripción

In order to have thoughtful dialogue, we need to create opportunities to develop a mindset of curiosity and inquiry. By blending personal stories and diverse literature into the curriculum, teachers can approach sensitive topics and address assumptions and misconceptions about different places and cultures. Reading fosters empathy and allows us to see and hear others’ perspectives, insights, and questions while advancing our own understanding. Join us as we broaden perspectives through engaging literature and compelling conversations.


Event Location

May 19th, 11:45 AM May 19th, 12:45 PM

Living in the Narrative: Recognizing and respecting diverse backgrounds and perspectives

RDB 2005

In order to have thoughtful dialogue, we need to create opportunities to develop a mindset of curiosity and inquiry. By blending personal stories and diverse literature into the curriculum, teachers can approach sensitive topics and address assumptions and misconceptions about different places and cultures. Reading fosters empathy and allows us to see and hear others’ perspectives, insights, and questions while advancing our own understanding. Join us as we broaden perspectives through engaging literature and compelling conversations.