Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies | Steven J. Green School of International & Public Affairs | Florida International University


Faculty Publications from 2017


Sugar, Black Belonging and the Anglo-Caribbean Cuban Experience: A View From Backstage, Andrea J. Queeley


Pensions, Politics, and Soul Train: Anglo-Caribbean Diasporic Encounters with Guantánamo from the War to the Special Period, Andrea Jean Queeley

Faculty Publications from 2016


Saving the Other Amazon: Changing Understandings of Nature andWilderness among Indigenous Leaders in the Ecuadorian Amazon, Juliet S. Erazo

Faculty Publications from 2015


Sexual Violence, Race and Media (In)Visibility: Intersectional Complexities in a Transnational Frame, Vrushali Patil and Bandana Purkayastha


Trees Grow on Money: Urban Tree Canopy Cover and Environmental Justice, Kirsten Schwarz, Michail Fragkias, Christopher G. Boone, Weiqi Zhou, Melissa McHale, Morgan Grove, Jarlath O'Neil-Dunne, Joseph P. McFadden, Geoffrey L. Buckley, Dan Childers, Laura Ogden, Stephanie Pincetl, Diane Pataki, Ali Whitmar, and Mary L. Cadenasso

Faculty Publications from 2014


Latino Urban Ethnography and the Work of Elena Padilla, Jorge Duany

Faculty Publications from 2013


Segmented Occupational Mobility: The Case of Non-EU Immigrants in Spain, Maria Aysa-Lastra and Lorenzo Cachon

Faculty Publications from 2011


Social Capital and International Migration from Latin America, Douglas S. Massey and Maria Aysa-Lastra


El Puente: transnationalism among Cubans of English-speaking Caribbean descent, Andrea Jean Queeley

Faculty Publications from 2010


Somos Negros Finos: Anglophone Caribbean Cultural Citizenship in Revolutionary Cuba, Andrea Jean Queeley

Faculty Publications from 2009


Immigrant-Established Resident Interactions in Miami, Florida, Alex Stepick and Carol Dutton Stepwick

Faculty Publications from 1996


Los círculos de calidad en una estrategia corporativa antisindical: un estudio de caso, Guillermo J. Grenier