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This recipe for the Cite Your Sources Auto Magically workshop is designed as a sampler of citation management tools. The workshop enables students, researchers, and faculty to preview four of the most popular choices currently out there: RefWorks, EndNote, Mendeley, and Zotero.

At Florida International University, the new workshop originated from both student and faculty frequently asked questions as well as feedback at our pre-existing citation management workshops. It was also prompted by the possibility of the university ending the sitewide subscription to RefWorks, the longest-running option for those in need of citation management assistance. After discussing what our students and faculty wanted, we decided to add three additional course offerings, providing a taste of each citation management tool. Similar comparisons and descriptions can be found in the literature, also providing an overview of each citation management tool (Kern & Hensley, 2011; Voss, 2019). The workshop directly and objectively compares these tools without prescribing one to use, which can be a challenge because students often ask librarians to make the choice for them. This recipe provides an outline for designing a citation sampler workshop, including planning, outcomes, guidelines, and best practices.


This chapter was published by ALA Editions, see



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