Lecture by Elizabeth Broun, given at Florida International University, January 7, 2000


Elizabeth Broun

Event Date


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Elizabeth Broun discusses various modernist artists from the Smithsonian's "Treasures Tour being exhibnited at the Frost at the time of the lecture including Joseph Stella, William H. Johnson, Marsden Hartley, Georgia O'Keeffe, David Hockney and others.

Introduction by Dahlia Morgan.

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Playing Time: 00:55:00

About The Speaker:

Elizabeth Broun has served as the director of the Smithsonian's National Museum of American Art since 1989. Prioir, Broun worked as curator and interim director at the Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas campus Lawrence for seven years. In 1983, she started working at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and Renwick Gallery. Broun’s research includes contemporary art, 19th-century art, and prints and drawings. Her 1989 exhibition catalog on Albert Pinkham Ryder won the prestigious Alfred H. Barr Award for Distinguished Scholarship.

Program Series

Steven and Dorothea Green Critics' Lecture Series



Video is restricted to on campus use only



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