Lecture by Joel Perlman, given at Florida International University, December 4, 2011


Joel Perlman

Event Date


Document Type



Joel Perlman talks about his life and his evolution as an artist.

Introduction by Carol Damian.

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Playing Time: 00:42:51

About the Speaker:

Perlman has been creating complex sculptures out of steel, bronze, and aluminum since the early 1970's. While minimalism was the predominant style of his generation, Perlman chose to push his forms into ever-more complicated, gravity defying, configurations. Though he shares certain qualities with his peers - the thrill of danger in a Richard Serra, the blue-collar heroism of Mark diSuervo - Perlman always investigates with originality. He expands, rather than appropriates, enriching our experience with industrial materials.

Program Series

Steven and Dorothea Green Critics' Lecture Series



Video is restricted to on campus use only



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