QBIC “Quantifying Biology in the Classroom” Research Symposium

Presenter Information

Quantifying Biology in the Classroom


GC 150

Start Date

29-3-2017 1:00 PM

End Date

29-3-2017 4:00 PM




QBIC (Quantifying Biology in the Classroom) is a program for students interested in a more in-depth approach to the biological sciences. Our integrative four-year curriculum emphasizes the study of living systems, while providing students the tools to critically evaluate biological concepts. Our graduates are well prepared to excel in any biological science professional or graduate program.

• Mariluz Soula (Jennifer C. Peeler, Thomas P. Sakmar) “Quantifying Relative Levels of Canonical and Non-canonical Ubiquitination of Human Dopamine Receptor 4 Using Proximity Ligation Assay”

• Brian A. Ho (Robert S. Washburn, Max E. Gottesman) “Dissecting the Mechanism of E. coli Rho Termination”

• Brian Garcia (Eric Salgado, Stephen Harrison) “Rotavirus Entry into Polarized Columnar Madin- Darby Canine Kidney Cells”

• Emmanuel Medrano (Anthony J. Bellantuono, Daniel G. Merselis, Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty) “Effect of Symbiotic State on the Proteome of Exaiptasia pallida”

• Gabriel Arias (Daniel Merselis, Anthony Bellantuono, Mauricio Rodriguez-Lanetty) “Symbiosis Enhances Immune Defense in the Sea Anemone Exaiptasia pallida”

• Hilma R Gallegos (Hiroko Sano, Matthew DeGennaro) “Understanding Aedes aegypti Feeding and Mating Behaviors Through CCHamide2 Mutagenesis”

• Jovany Betancourt (David Butcher, Jaroslava Miksovska) “Determination of Effector Binding Affinities using PAC”

• Zolia Brummer(Jamie Carroll Theobald) “Effect of Size on Drosophila melanogaster Visual Acuity”

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Mar 29th, 1:00 PM Mar 29th, 4:00 PM

QBIC “Quantifying Biology in the Classroom” Research Symposium

GC 150

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