Intelligence Fellowship – Challenges and Threats to National Security in the 21st Century

Presenter Information

Aldo Fonseca


GC 150

Start Date

29-3-2017 10:00 AM

End Date

29-3-2017 11:00 AM




Aldo Fonseca will present a workshop with students participating in the Intelligence Fellowship, an ICCAE workforce development initiative. A highly selective program, the Intelligence Fellowship provides opportunities for students to integrate rigorous coursework, research, and mentorship in pursuit of a career in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Students will be awarded a Certificate in National Security Studies upon completion of the program.

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Mar 29th, 10:00 AM Mar 29th, 11:00 AM

Intelligence Fellowship – Challenges and Threats to National Security in the 21st Century

GC 150

Aldo Fonseca will present a workshop with students participating in the Intelligence Fellowship, an ICCAE workforce development initiative. A highly selective program, the Intelligence Fellowship provides opportunities for students to integrate rigorous coursework, research, and mentorship in pursuit of a career in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Students will be awarded a Certificate in National Security Studies upon completion of the program.

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