Investigation On Inhibitors of Enzyme Activities in Genomic Processes for Novel Therapeutic Interventions


Center Ballroom

Start Date

31-3-2016 9:00 AM

End Date

31-3-2016 10:00 AM




Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh conducted her Ph.D. thesis research in the laboratory of Professor James C. Wang, who discovered the ubiquitous class of enzymes, DNA topoisomerases, as master manipulators of genomes. Current research interests include: Development and implementation of cell based and enzyme based HTS assays to identify topoisomerase inhibitors; SAR and optimization of topoisomerase inhibitor structures to generate specific antibacterial or anticancer drug leads.

  • Angelo Andres (Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh) “Screening for Novel Leads Towards Antibacterial Compounds Targeting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Topoisomerase I”
  • Marco Zamora Bulla (Yukching Tse Dinh)
  • Jose Chang (Yukching Tse Dinh)
  • Shayna Sandhaus (Yukching Tse Dinh)

File Type



Mar 31st, 9:00 AM Mar 31st, 10:00 AM

Investigation On Inhibitors of Enzyme Activities in Genomic Processes for Novel Therapeutic Interventions

Center Ballroom

Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh conducted her Ph.D. thesis research in the laboratory of Professor James C. Wang, who discovered the ubiquitous class of enzymes, DNA topoisomerases, as master manipulators of genomes. Current research interests include: Development and implementation of cell based and enzyme based HTS assays to identify topoisomerase inhibitors; SAR and optimization of topoisomerase inhibitor structures to generate specific antibacterial or anticancer drug leads.

  • Angelo Andres (Thirunavukkarasu Annamalai, Yuk-Ching Tse-Dinh) “Screening for Novel Leads Towards Antibacterial Compounds Targeting Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Topoisomerase I”
  • Marco Zamora Bulla (Yukching Tse Dinh)
  • Jose Chang (Yukching Tse Dinh)
  • Shayna Sandhaus (Yukching Tse Dinh)

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