Quantitative Electrophysiology in Neuroscience


East Ballroom

Start Date

31-3-2016 11:00 AM

End Date

31-3-2016 12:00 PM




Dr. Jorge Riera obtained a B.S. in Physics at the University of Havana (1988), a M.S. in Biophysics as “Junior Associate” of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (1995-1998), and a Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Havana with a CNRS fellowship at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris. Dr. Riera’s main scientific interest is to develop methods for the integration of different neuroimaging modalities based on the modeling of mesoscopic phenomena in the cerebral cortex. Members from Dr. Riera’s lab use these methods to develop clinical tools for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of several brain disorders, like epilepsy, dementia, stroke and migraine. In this session, members of Dr. Riera’s lab will discuss some aspects of “quantitative electrophysiology” relevant to neuroscience research.

  • Darlene Ramos (Jorge Riera Diaz) “Laminar Differences in the Effects of Cortical Spreading Depression”
  • Yisel Frometa (Jorge Riera Diaz)

File Type



Mar 31st, 11:00 AM Mar 31st, 12:00 PM

Quantitative Electrophysiology in Neuroscience

East Ballroom

Dr. Jorge Riera obtained a B.S. in Physics at the University of Havana (1988), a M.S. in Biophysics as “Junior Associate” of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste (1995-1998), and a Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Havana with a CNRS fellowship at the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, Paris. Dr. Riera’s main scientific interest is to develop methods for the integration of different neuroimaging modalities based on the modeling of mesoscopic phenomena in the cerebral cortex. Members from Dr. Riera’s lab use these methods to develop clinical tools for the diagnosis, monitoring and treatment of several brain disorders, like epilepsy, dementia, stroke and migraine. In this session, members of Dr. Riera’s lab will discuss some aspects of “quantitative electrophysiology” relevant to neuroscience research.

  • Darlene Ramos (Jorge Riera Diaz) “Laminar Differences in the Effects of Cortical Spreading Depression”
  • Yisel Frometa (Jorge Riera Diaz)

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