Fernández-Lima Research Group

Start Date

31-3-2016 1:00 PM

End Date

31-3-2016 2:00 PM




The current research interest of the Fernandez-Lima Research Group is focused on the development of new generation instrumentation and methodologies for biomedical and behavioral research. In particular, the Fernandez-Lima Research Group is interested in the characterization of the chemical environment at the single cell and sub-cellular level of model cell systems and tissue sections using a “molecular microscope”.

Dennise Montero (Kendra J. Adams, Diana Aga, Francisco Fernandez-Lima) “Characterization of Poly-Brominated Diphenyl Ethers Using Nano ESI-TIMS-MS and Molecular Modeling”

File Type



Mar 31st, 1:00 PM Mar 31st, 2:00 PM

Fernández-Lima Research Group

The current research interest of the Fernandez-Lima Research Group is focused on the development of new generation instrumentation and methodologies for biomedical and behavioral research. In particular, the Fernandez-Lima Research Group is interested in the characterization of the chemical environment at the single cell and sub-cellular level of model cell systems and tissue sections using a “molecular microscope”.

Dennise Montero (Kendra J. Adams, Diana Aga, Francisco Fernandez-Lima) “Characterization of Poly-Brominated Diphenyl Ethers Using Nano ESI-TIMS-MS and Molecular Modeling”

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