"Surviving and Thriving in a Hostile Religious Culture" by Michelle Mitchell

Document Type



Master of Arts (MA)


Religious Studies

First Advisor's Name

Whitney A. Bauman

First Advisor's Committee Title

Committee Chair

Second Advisor's Name

Lesley Northup

Second Advisor's Committee Title

Committee Member

Third Advisor's Name

Dennis Weidman

Third Advisor's Committee Title

Committee Member

Date of Defense



The present study explored a minority oppositional religious culture, which continued practicing despite overt hostilities to their practices. The qualitative research project utilized interviews and observations of the Gardnerian Wiccans in Broward County, Florida. The narrative data were transcribed, coded, and categorized into three themes related to the following research questions: Why would individuals create a secretive religion? Given they had to practice in secret, what about this religion had people seeking out information and joining Covens? What would keep this group together despite opposition from dominant culture? As a microcosm for religious conflict in society, the study showed differences in the culture’s religious paradigm structure as a major factor for religious conflict.



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