Discussion Papers in Economics and Banking | Department of Economics | Florida International University
This is a closed series of works produced by FIU Faculty in the early to mid-1980's. Digital reproductions of selected titles from this series are being made available through the FIU Digital Commons at the request of individual authors.


Papers from 2008


The Impact of the External Debt on the Economic Development of Latin America, Antonio Jorge and Raul Moncarz

Papers from 1992


Social Values and Social Structures: Some Thoughts Toward a Political Economy of Christianity (Discussion Paper #95), Antonio Jorge


Some Thoughts on Modernization, Secularization, Individualization and Economic Behavior (Discussion Paper #96), Antonio Jorge

Papers from 1986


Latin American Debt: An Overview (Discussion Paper #58), Antonio Jorge, Jorge Salazar-Carrillo, and Raul Moncarz

Papers from 1983


The Economic Impact of Bilingualism (Discussion Paper #9), Antonio Jorge, J. Kenneth Lipner, Raul Moncarz, and Jorge Salazar-Carrillo

Papers from 1982


The Future of the Hispanic Market: The Cuban Entrepreneur and the Economic Development of the Miami Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, Antonio Jorge and Raul Moncarz

Papers from 1981


A Development Model For A Modern Society: New Cross Cultural Patters and Socio-Economic Change (The Cuban Experience in South Florida), Antonio Jorge, Robert D. Cruz, Raul Moncarz, and Jorge Salazar-Carrillo