Theses/Dissertations from 2001
Itch, Thomas DeMarchi
Olga Christodoulou as Miranda and Cast, Department of Theatre, FIU
A Streetcar Named Desire mailer, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Shakespeare's Journey, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Shakespeare's Journey postcard, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Suburbia, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
The Crucible, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
The Crucible postcard, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Vanities, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Vanities postcard, Department of Theatre, Florida International University
Distribution of light on the human retina, Liset Diaz
Self-regulated learning : the role of a journal in the learning process for students and teachers, Lilia C. DiBello
Apollo and Daphne : an analysis of the work composed by Kari Henrik Juusela, Amy Dickinson
Toward a unified theory of task-oriented and relationship-oriented leader behavior: a multi-country generalizability study, Ellen Antoinette Drost
Lower Manhattan and the East River: an investigation into the renewal of the Lower East Side waterfront, Todd A. Edge
The event argument and the light verb construction, Burgel Rosa Maria Faehndrich
Machismo and masochism in Ernest Hemingway, Richard Fantina
Architecture as friendly interface a digital information facility for the village of Islamorada, Linda Feinberg
Music Performance Thesis, David Fernandez
Software tool that generates hierarchical predicate transition nets (HPRTNETS) notation from a unified modeling language (UML) class diagram notation, Rigoberto Fernandez
Dean of the School Board: An Oral History of the Distinguished Career of G. Holmes Braddock, Elizabeth Ann Ferreria-Alves
2001 Fall Florida International University Commencement Ceremony 1, Florida International University
2001 Fall Florida International University Commencement Ceremony 2, Florida International University
2001 Spring Florida International University Commencement Ceremony, Florida International University
Vision 2001: From A Different Angle, vol. 2, Florida International University
Cruise Ships Port Planning Factors, Jeth Al Fogg
Wrist dynamics in the posteroanterior plane: model and experiments, Juan Forero
The impact of the Miami Cuban exile's political culture on the 1996 fiscal crisis of the City of Miami, Alexander Franco
Comparison of two mentoring programs for at-risk black adolescents : a traditional one-to-one mentoring program and a school-to-work transitional program, Garnett Noel Frederick
Kyoto city hall plaza: redesigning an urban open space, Michiyo Fujita
A Study of Teachers' Espoused Instructional Beliefs, Lauren Sherrill Gach
Straits of fortune, Anthony Dale Gagliano
Ecosystem responses to hydrologic change and mechanisms of nitrogen sequestration in seasonally flooded tree islands of the southern Everglades, Tiffany Troxler Gann
Mexican political caricature : the crises of the early 1900s and 1990s, Abigail Garces
Ultra Wideband Antennas for Personal Communication Devices, Kamal Garg
Analysis of Slot Antennas Using the Finite Difference Time Domain Method, Nimisha Garg
The reproductive biology of ruellia succulenta (acanthaceae) and the effects of habitat fragmentation, John H. Geiger
A master-slave architecture for parallel speaker recognition, Sunil Kumar Godavarthi
La mujer en defensa de la mujer: voces femeninas del romanticismo cubano (Poesía y cuento), Luis Marcelino Gómez
Breastfeeding practices and nutritional status of adolescent mothers and infants that participate in the women, infants, and children nutrition program (WIC), Rebecca J. Granda
Factors positively influencing academically successful, highly motivated african-american high school students, Linda Caldwell Grant
Thin films fabricated from a nanoparticle beam, Peter D. Griffiths
The effects of Kangaroo care on the vital signs of preterm infants, Megan Moore Grindstaff
Evaluation of automotive lenses for forensic applications, Susan T. Gross
Performance improvement in a grid computing environment using condor and beowulf clusters, Bangalore Rao Guruprakash
Centrally managed distributed networks-management and integration scheme, Yonas Hambissa
Electrically tunable microstrip line hairpin filter using yttirum barium copper oxide (YBCO) high temperature superconductor and strontium titanate (STO) ferroelectric patches, Jude Lincoln Hankey
Language maintenance and use in South Florida hispanic university students: do educational programs matter?, Deborah Judith Hasson
Aerial photo of northern boardwalk at TS/Ph-6b, Taylor Slough, Victor H.
Aerial photo of southern boardwalk at TS/Ph-7b, Taylor Slough, Victor H.
Aerial photo of southern boardwalk at TS/Ph-7b, Taylor Slough, Victor H.
Aerial photo of TS/Ph-6b, Taylor Slough, Victor H.
An Integrated Surface Water Quality Monitoring Program for the South Florida Coastal Waters FY 2001 Cumulative Report to the South Florida Water Management District, Ronald Jones and Joseph N. Boyer
FY2001 Annual Report of the Water Quality Monitoring Project for the Water Quality Protection Program in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, Ronald Jones and Joseph N. Boyer
Little Venice Water Quality Monitoring Quarterly Report #1 & 2, Ronald Jones and Joseph N. Boyer
Little Venice Water Quality Monitoring Quarterly Reports #3 & 4, Ronald Jones and Joseph N. Boyer
Botánicas: absence in Cuba, proliferation in the United States, José A. Lammoglia
Geophysical Analysis of a Central Florida Karst Terrain using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Derived Surfaces, Juana Maria Montane
A Case Study of the Ellison Model's Use of Mentoring as an Approach Toward Inclusive Community Building, Claire Michele Rice
Butterfly orchid near TS/Ph-7a, Victor H. Rivera-Monroy
Aerial photo of SRS-1a, the S12c water control structure, and the surrounding area, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-1a, the S12c water control structure, and the surrounding area, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-1a, the S12c water control structure, and the surrounding area, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-1a, the S12c water control structure, and the surrounding area, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-2, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-2, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-3, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-3, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-3, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-3, Shark River Slough, Luz Romero and Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of SRS-4, Shark River Slough, Robert Twilley
Suburbia 1, unknown
Suburbia 2, unknown
The Tempest 1, unknown
The Tempest 3, unknown
The Tempest 4, unknown
The Tempest 5, unknown
The Tempest 6, unknown
Aerial photo of macrophyte plots at SRS-1b, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
Aerial photo of macrophyte plots at SRS-1b, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
S12C water control structure near SRS-1a, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
SRS-1a area, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
SRS-1a area, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
SRS-1a area, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
SRS-1a autosampler, Shark River Slough, Emilie Verdon
Embedded Heat Pipes in Cofired Ceramic Substrates for Enhanced Thermal Management of Electronics, Marc A. Zampino
Theses/Dissertations from 2000
The distribution and abundance of the exotic and native urban avifauna in Miami-Dade County Florida, Omar Zaid Abdelrahman
Examination of the overlap between DSM-111-R overanxious disorder and DSM-IV generalized anxiety disorder in childhood, Candice A. Alfano
Digital signal processing implementation for near real-time wavelet transformation system for binary images, Ovidio Alfonso
The relationship between cognitive ability, the big five, task and contextual performance: a meta-analysis, Alexander Alonso
Dynamic job quoting system for printed circuit board fabrication, Mohammed Imtiaz Alvi
Elementary music and classroom teachers' time-use: a comparison by grade level, time of day, and day of the week, Marilyn Jane Anderson
A simulation-based heuristic for fleet assignment, Sonia Rosario Anorga
Process inventory and pollution prevention overview for the citrus industry, Carmen Alicia Aponte
Further evidence for the relationship between eating frequency, body mass index, and physical activity, Mona Jahjah Ashchi
Integration and querying of heterogeneous, autonomous, distributed database systems, Rukshan Indika Athauda
Physical activity and nutrition related variables in hispanic and non-hispanic college students, Holly Jean Baker
Rastafarianism and the Nation of Islam as institutions for group-identity formation among blacks in the United States : a case study comparing their approaches, Michael A. Barnett
Ammonite biostratigraphy, lithofacies variations, and paleoceanographic implications for barremian-aptian sequences of northeastern Mexico, Ricardo Barragan