Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Microteaching Lesson Study: Mentor Interaction Structure and its Relation to Elementary Preservice Mathematics Teacher Knowledge Development, Roxanne Molina
Cold Season Physiology of Arctic Plants, Jonathan G. Moser
Treatment Moderation and Secondary Outcomes: Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial, Luci M. Motoca
Sediment Yield Modeling and Identification of Erosion Hotspots in Tropical Watersheds: The Case of Upper Ruvu Catchment in Tanzania, Juliana J. Msaghaa
An Experimental and Theoretical Analysis of Nitric Oxide in the Microcirculation, Shabnam M. Namin
Three Empirical Essays on Startups’ Survival using the Kauffman Firm Survey, Mohamad Nassereddine
Family Form, Desired Parental Involvement and Troubled Ruminations about Fathers and Mothers, Alina Nazareth
Improved Electronics for the Hall A Detectors at JLab: Summing Modules and VDC Amplifier/Discriminator Cards, Casey M. Neville
Environmental and Cost impact Analysis of Materials and Assemblies in Building Construction, Deepika Nirmal
System-on-a-Chip (SoC) based Hardware Acceleration in Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design, Xinwei Niu
Extended Program Notes for Thesis Voice Recital, Shanna Nolan
An Investigation of the Relationships between Selected Characteristics and Leadership Outcomes of Athletic Training Education Program Directors, Michelle L. Odai
The Interaction between Social and Physical Environments on Early Cognitive Development, Briana O'Dowd
Annual Report: Research Activity (2012), Office of Research and Economic Development, Florida International University
The Effectiveness of Outdoor Education on Environmental Learning, Appreciation, and Activism, Jessica Okaty
The Influence of Parental Verbal Aggression on Hispanic College Women’s Use of Verbal Aggression in Romantic Relationships, Laura A. Oramas
An American Tale: Incarnations of the Wizard of Oz and the Negotiation of Identity, Race, and Gender, in Popular Culture, Carly A. Orshan
The US Financial Crisis and the Behavior of the Foreign Exchange Market, Chaiyuth Padungsaksawasdi
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Affecting Health Behaviors in the U.S. Army Special Operations Command Population of Rangers, Michael J. Pagel
Time Spent with Children and Working Parents' Willingness to Medicate ADHD-like Behaviors, Bora Pajo
The Photooxidation of Domoic Acid, Punam K. Parekh
Functionalized Carbon Micro/Nanostructures for Biomolecular Detection, Varun Penmatsa
Deep Waters, Yaddyra Peralta
Early Career Special Education Teachers’ Perceptions of School Site Induction Support, Yvette Perez
The Relationship Between Educational Placement, Instructional Practices, and Achievement Gains of Black Students with Specific Learning Disabilities in Secondary Urban School Settings, Deidre Marshall Phillips
Developing a Process to Create and Validate an Instrument Assessing Student Attainment of Competencies at an Intercultural University in Mexico, Martha Fernanda Pineda
Preparation of an Immunosorbent and its use in the Solid Phase Extraction of Benzodiazepines, Jorge E. Quintana
Design Optimization of Nozzle Shapes for Maximum Uniformity of Exit Flow, Karla K. Quintao
Can Intersensory Redundancy and Social Contingency Enhance Memory in Bobwhite Quail Hatchlings?, Namitha Raju
The Role of the Environment in the Individual Difference and Creativity Relationship, Angela C. Reaves
Common snook (Centropomus undecimalis), Jennifer S. Rehage
Sunset, Jennifer S. Rehage
The Examination of the Relationships Among Secondary Principals’ Leadership Behaviors, School Climate, and Student Achievement in an Urban Context, Valmarie Rhoden
Spirituality and Transformational Leadership in Education, Omar Riaz
Injustice Everywhere: Hemingway's Struggle with Race, Gender, and Aesthetics, Michael Riobueno
Goma Curriculum, A Character Education Paradigm: Composing a Text for Shaping Classroom Character Culture, Alicia D. Ritchey
Risk Factors and Associations for Hepatitis C Infection among Hispanic/Latino Intravenous Drug Users in Miami-Dade County, Florida, Arturo E. Rodriguez
A Retrospective-Longitudinal Examination of the Relationship between Apportionment of Seat Time in Community-College Algebra Courses and Student Academic Performance, Steven M. Roig-Watnik
Students' Perspective of the Role of Facebook in their Studies, Frank A. Rojas
The Longitudinal Influence of Physical Activity on Adolescent Alcohol Use, Beverly A. Ruffin
Mapping and Assessing Fire Damage on Broadleaved Forest Communities in Big Cypress National Preserve, Pablo L. Ruiz, Jay P. Sah, James R. Snyder, and Michael S. Ross
Switching Patterns and Steady-State Analysis of Grid-Connected and Stand-Alone Single-Stage Boost-Inverters for PV Applications, Mahdi Saghaleini
Monitoring of Tree Island Condition in the Southern Everglades: Annual Report 2011, Jay P. Sah, Michael S. Ross, Pablo L. Ruiz, and Suresh Subedi
Development and Verification of Control and Protection Strategies in Hybrid AC/DC Power Systems for Smart Grid Applications, Vahid Salehi Pour Mehr
A Comparison Study of the English III/American Literature Success of African American High School Students and That of Students Whose Home Language is Haitian Creole, Sharon A. Samuels
The Root of the Recycled: A Comparative Analysis of Shakespeare's "Hamlet" and the Mythological "Ur-Hamlet", Isabel M. Sanchez
Influence of Religious Coping on the Substance Use and HIV Risk Behaviors of Recent Latino Immigrants, Mariana Sanchez
Time Orientation in Organizations: Polychronicity and Multitasking, Kristin R. Sanderson
Spatiotemporal Variation in Abundance and Social Structure of Bottlenose Dolphins in the Florida Coastal Everglades, Robin E. Sarabia
Design Optimization of Modern Machine-drive Systems for Maximum Fault Tolerant and Optimal Operation, Ali Sarikhani
Geographic Provenancing of Unprocessed Cotton Using Elemental Analysis and Stable Isotope Ratios, Emily R. Schenk
Program Notes: Suite in E Minor and the Aranjuez Concerto, Karen Schoenhals
A Search for an Exotic Meson in the Gamma P to Delta-plus-plus Pi-minus Eta Reaction, Diane M. Schott
Soil Carbon Dioxide and Methane Efflux From an Everglades Tree Island and Ridge Landscape, Robert S. Schroeder
Judging Psychology Experts: Can Judges and Attorneys Distinguish Between Clinical and Experimental Psychologists?, Shari Schwartz
Island Diasporas: Perceptions of Indo-Caribbean Protégés Regarding the Effects of their Cross-Cultural Mentoring Experiences in the United States, Rehana Seepersad
Assessing Sustainability of Sanitation Technologies Recommended for Rural Settings: A Case Study of Morogoro District, Tanzania, Amour Seleman
Centered Fluidity and the Horizons of Continuity in Djuna Barnes' Nightwood, Maria C. Sepulveda
Chaz Bono Lecture 22, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Chaz Bono Lecture 35, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Chaz Bono Lecture 38, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Chaz Bono Lecture 39, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Russell Simmons Lecture 1, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Russell Simmons Lecture 2, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Russell Simmons Lecture 3, SGA BBC, Florida International University
Approaches to Provisioning Network Topology of Virtual Machines in Cloud Systems, Mani Shafaatdoost
The Fisherman, Deborah L. Shannon
Ethnic Identification: Its Impact on HIV/AIDS Risk among Migrant and Seasonal Workers in South Florida, Nancy Shehadeh
Study on Bivariate Normal Distribution, Yipin Shi
Why Is This Wave Different From All Other Waves? Jewish Miami: The Changing Face of Institutional Interaction in Three Phases, Ariella Siegel
Fiscal Decentralization and Development: An Analysis of City Governments in Argentina and Mexico, 1980–2010, Heidi Jane M. Smith
Extended Program Notes for Thesis Voice Recital, Katherine P. Smith
Modeling of Crosstalk in High Speed Planar Structure Parallel Data Buses and Suppression by Uniformly Spaced Short Circuits, Gabriel A. Solana
History Education and the Construction of National Identity in Iran, Maryam Soltan Zadeh
Predicting Explorative Behavior by Level of Emotional Reactivity in Bobwhite Quail Neonates (Colinus virginianus), Michael Suarez
Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Turkish Immigrants with Type 2 Diabetes Living in The Netherlands, Shiryn D. Sukhram
The Art of the Steel Pan instrument in a Jazz combo, Leon Thomas
Test of a Smock System on CPR Primary Emergency Measures and Medical Errors During Simulated Emergencies, Ruth Thomas
Adapting Mpowerment to a Rural Area, Michael S. Tims
Cypress sunrise, Franco A.C. Tobias
Periphyton day, Franco A.C. Tobias
Retention Pond, Franco A.C. Tobias
SRS-2, Franco A.C. Tobias
Sunrise cypress, Franco A.C. Tobias
A Study of Stock Market Linkages between the US and Frontier Markets, Galin Kostadinov Todorov
Evaluation of the Evidential Value of the Elemental Composition of Glass, Ink and Paper by Laser-Based Micro-Spectrochemical Methods, Tatiana Trejos
Selected Repertoire for the Tenor Voice, Scott T. Tripp
Extended Program Notes for Thesis Violin Recital, Paul Tulloch
The Sacred Nature of the Akan Chief and its Implications for Tradition, Modernity and Religious Human Rights in Ghana, Seth Tweneboah
Aerial photo of SRS-4, Shark River Slough, Robert Twilley
SRS-4 autosampler, Shark River Slough, Robert Twilley
SRS-6 autosampler, Shark River Slough, Robert Twilley
Perceptions of Character Education in a Seventh-Day Adventist School, Marva E. Tyrell
An Examination of the Effects of a Summer Book-Reading Program on the Language and Early Literacy Outcomes of Toddlers from High Risk Environments, Mary Anne Ullery
Essays in Open Economy Macroeconomics, Umut Unal
Autosampler at TS/Ph-7a, Taylor Slough, Unknown
Taylor River, Unknown