"Teacher-student relationships and the link to academic adjustment and " by Paige Telan

Teacher-student relationships and the link to academic adjustment and emotional well-being in early adolescence

Paige Telan, Florida International University


The role of support from teachers on the academic and emotional adjustment of a ethnically and economically diverse sample of adolescents was examined. Analyses were conducted on data from a larger study examining social networks across the transition to junior high school. Participants in the current study included 694 African-American, Hispanic-American and European-American students in grades 6 and 8 from public elementary schools in South Florida. Some of these schools are located in economically distressed areas and some are in middle income areas. Children were interviewed, and information on teacher social support resources, school stressors, risk and academic and emotional adjustment was obtained. Several significant findings emerged from the analyses. First, overall teacher support was a significant predictor of a wide range of academic and emotional adjustment outcomes. Second, teacher support compensated for low peer support on teacher rated behavior problems. Third, teacher support interacted with school stress to predict depressed affect and self esteem. Fourth, teacher support interacted with low ecological risk conditions to predict feelings of loneliness.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Educational psychology

Recommended Citation

Telan, Paige, "Teacher-student relationships and the link to academic adjustment and emotional well-being in early adolescence" (2000). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9991555.
