"Tool cutting force modeling and wear estimation of micro-end-milling o" by Wei-Yu Bao

Tool cutting force modeling and wear estimation of micro-end-milling operations

Wei-Yu Bao, Florida International University


The applications of micro-end-milling operations have increased recently. A Micro-End-Milling Operation Guide and Research Tool (MOGART) package has been developed for the study and monitoring of micro-end-milling operations. It includes an analytical cutting force model, neural network based data mapping and forecasting processes, and genetic algorithms based optimization routines. MOGART uses neural networks to estimate tool machinability and forecast tool wear from the experimental cutting force data, and genetic algorithms with the analytical model to monitor tool wear, breakage, run-out, cutting conditions from the cutting force profiles. The performance of MOGART has been tested on the experimental data of over 800 experimental cases and very good agreement has been observed between the theoretical and experimental results. The MOGART package has been applied to the micro-end-milling operation study of Engineering Prototype Center of Radio Technology Division of Motorola Inc.

Subject Area

Mechanical engineering

Recommended Citation

Bao, Wei-Yu, "Tool cutting force modeling and wear estimation of micro-end-milling operations" (1999). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9938872.
