"Implementing aspects of Blueprint 2000: Investigating readiness expect" by Suzanne Pelkey Kalan

Implementing aspects of Blueprint 2000: Investigating readiness expectations in selected elementary schools in Broward County, Florida

Suzanne Pelkey Kalan, Florida International University


The purpose of this research study was to investigate if the determination of school readiness as it was evaluated by Broward County kindergarten teachers on the Florida's Expectations of School Readiness checklist can be attributed to the effects of gender, chronological age on school entry, racial or ethnic background, attending public preschool, native language other than English, or socioeconomic status. This is a descriptive study in which the number of expectations passed or failed for each of the identifier categories was compared. The Chi-squared distribution was used to evaluate the null hypothesis that "chronological age at entry to school, gender, race or ethnicity, native language other than English, public preschool experience, and socioeconomic status have no effect on the determination of readiness for school". Results were confirmed using t-tests, ANOVA, and linear regression models. The cohort of 1555 Broward County students in the study were evaluated using the Florida's Expectations for School Readiness checklist and were determined not ready for school during the initial data collection year 1996-1997. The determination of school readiness was significantly dependent on the gender, and racial or ethnic background of the students in the cohort. The socioeconomic status and native language other than English designations were significant for students only in the areas of preacademic, academic and literacy development. Chronological age on entry to school or attendance in public preschool prior to entry in kindergarten for the cohort was not significant in the determination of readiness for school. Given the fact that this study followed only students that were determined not ready for school, it is recommended that a second cohort of both "ready" and "not ready" students be studied.

Subject Area

Preschool education

Recommended Citation

Kalan, Suzanne Pelkey, "Implementing aspects of Blueprint 2000: Investigating readiness expectations in selected elementary schools in Broward County, Florida" (1998). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9907832.
