"Extended principal component analysis and its applications to image an" by Habibie Sumargo

Extended principal component analysis and its applications to image analysis

Habibie Sumargo, Florida International University


The objectives of this research are to analyze and develop a modified Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and to develop a two-dimensional PCA with applications in image processing. PCA is a classical multivariate technique where its mathematical treatment is purely based on the eigensystem of positive-definite symmetric matrices. Its main function is to statistically transform a set of correlated variables to a new set of uncorrelated variables over $\IR\sp{n}$ by retaining most of the variations present in the original variables. The variances of the Principal Components (PCs) obtained from the modified PCA form a correlation matrix of the original variables. The decomposition of this correlation matrix into a diagonal matrix produces a set of orthonormal basis that can be used to linearly transform the given PCs. It is this linear transformation that reproduces the original variables. The two-dimensional PCA can be devised as a two successive of one-dimensional PCA. It can be shown that, for an $m\times n$ matrix, the PCs obtained from the two-dimensional PCA are the singular values of that matrix. In this research, several applications for image analysis based on PCA are developed, i.e., edge detection, feature extraction, and multi-resolution PCA decomposition and reconstruction.

Subject Area

Electrical engineering|Computer science

Recommended Citation

Sumargo, Habibie, "Extended principal component analysis and its applications to image analysis" (1997). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9816379.
