"An investigation of the relationship between historical reform initiat" by Patricia Angela Aiello Patterson

An investigation of the relationship between historical reform initiatives and Blueprint 2000: A System of School Improvement and Accountability

Patricia Angela Aiello Patterson, Florida International University


The modern rhetoric of reform in education has been in the forefront since the 1980s, but it has now taken on a new meaning, a greater importance to both students and teachers, a new urgency for change, and a sense of hope that this time reform will truly make a difference. The major purpose of this study was to compare historical reform initiatives to the current Florida state initiative, Blueprint 2000: A System of School Improvement and Accountability. Five questions were considered: (1) how similar were historical and current reform initiatives; (2) what aspects of reform were actually accomplished; (3) what are the elements of a profession; (4) what implications might this research have for university programs and inservice training programs regarding their role in the preparation of teachers; and, (5) what implications might research have on the promotion of professional practice.

Subject Area

School administration|Curricula|Teaching|Education history

Recommended Citation

Patterson, Patricia Angela Aiello, "An investigation of the relationship between historical reform initiatives and Blueprint 2000: A System of School Improvement and Accountability" (1995). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9733877.
