"The effects of bilingual and monolingual reading videos on story recal" by Kelly D'Ann Meyers-Sinett

The effects of bilingual and monolingual reading videos on story recall with students who are deaf and hard of hearing

Kelly D'Ann Meyers-Sinett, Florida International University


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of bilingual and monolingual videos on the reading comprehension of students with significant hearing impairments and/or deafness. Children with and without hearing losses need reading programs in which comprehension of meaning is the primary goal. This can occur only when print is represented in meaningful context, allowing children to create meaning from their own experience, background, and knowledge of language. Investigated in this study was whether students with significant hearing losses comprehended more information in a bilingual or monolingual instructional video format. There were three instructional videos produced: (a) the bilingual video which incorporated American Sign Language (ASL) with standard English captions, (b) a monolingual English video with standard English captions only, and (c) a monolingual ASL-only video. It was hypothesized that the effects of English captioning with ASL might serve as a bridge during instruction, increasing reading comprehension and written English for students. It was further hypothesized that this would allow students to integrate their own ASL knowledge to the printed text to construct meaning. Four separate analyses were conducted to see if the hypothesis was supported by the findings. However, all results indicated that there were no significant differences in students' written measures of reading comprehension recall across any of the three presentations of information (two monolingual and one bilingual condition). There were seven variables (word identification, word recall, sentence recall, story recall, written passage theme, written passage word count, and number of mature words) used to evaluate reading comprehension recall. No variable, either individually or grouped, demonstrated a significant difference between monolingual or bilingual instruction.

Subject Area

Special education|Bilingual education|Multicultural education|Literacy|Reading instruction|Educational software

Recommended Citation

Meyers-Sinett, Kelly D'Ann, "The effects of bilingual and monolingual reading videos on story recall with students who are deaf and hard of hearing" (1997). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9727339.
