"Microvariation at the human D1S80 locus" by George Turner Duncan

Microvariation at the human D1S80 locus

George Turner Duncan, Florida International University


Microvariant allelic polymorphisms have been known since 1966 when Harris, Hubby and Lewontin described the huge store of genetic variation detectable at the polypeptide level. Later Jeffreys used MVR (minisatellite variant repeat) analysis to describe the variation hidden within minisatellite VNTRs and to propose a mutational mechanism. The questions I have asked follow these traditions: (1) How much microvariant polymorphism exists at the discrete allele minisatellite D1S80 locus? (2) Do alleles or groups of alleles associate randomly with the flanking markers to form haplotypes? (3) What mechanisms might explain mutations at this locus? What are the phylogenetic relationships among the alleles? The minisatellite locus D1S80 (1p35-36), GenBank sequence (Accession # D28507), is a highly polymorphic Variable Number of Tandem Repeat (VNTR) based on a 16 base core. D1S80 alleles are electrophoretically separable into discontinuous sets of equivalent length alleles. Sequence variation or minor length variation within these classes was expected: I have sought to determine the nature of this microvariant heterogeneity by sequencing nominal and variant alleles. Alleles were analyzed by Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Sequences were determined to ascertain whether sequence variation or size variation is the major cause of altered electrophoretic migration of microvariant D1S80 alleles. Twenty three alleles from 14 previously typed individuals were sequenced. The individuals were from African American, Caucasian, or Hispanic databases. A Tsp509 I restriction site, previously reported as a Hinf I flanking polymorphism, and a 3$\sp\prime$ flanking region BsoF I restriction site polymorphism were identified. There appears to be a strong association of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking region Hinf I(+) and Tsp509 I(-) site and the 3$\sp\prime$ flanking region BsoF I(-) site with the 18 allele, while the 24 tends to be associated with the Hinf I(-), Tsp509 I(+) and BsoF I(+) sites. The general conclusion for this locus is clearly the closer you look, the more you find. D1S80 allelic polymorphisms are primarily due to variation in the number of repeat units and to sequence variation among repeats. The sequenced based gene tree depicts two major classes of alleles which conform to the two most common alleles, reflecting either equivalent age or population size bottlenecks.

Subject Area

Molecular biology

Recommended Citation

Duncan, George Turner, "Microvariation at the human D1S80 locus" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9717676.
