"A teacher evaluation system for teachers in Taiwan based on current mo" by Phoebe Po Lee

A teacher evaluation system for teachers in Taiwan based on current models in the United States

Phoebe Po Lee, Florida International University


In Taiwan, R.O.C. a formal system for teacher evaluation had not been developed. An evaluation system should be systematic, formal, and a continual process that serves as a strategy to refine the quality of education. The purpose of this research was to develop an evaluation system for teachers in Taiwan based on current models in the United States. In order to attain the above purposes, this research examined what elements define an effective teacher and how effectiveness could be assessed. Selected existing teacher evaluation systems in use in public and private educational settings in the United States were compared in order to select those elements that could be applicable to the Taiwan educational system. An evaluation instrument was identified and modified through the systematic use of participant stakeholders at seminars and conferences on effective teaching. Criterion of teacher effectiveness were identified and modified in the development of the model of teacher evaluation. To ensure the reliability and validity of the instrument, a trained expert used the instrument in a trial evaluation of an English teacher in Taiwan and the results were compared to local administration. The instrument was further modified, based on implementation recommendations. This study found that current models of evaluation can be adapted to be used for teacher evaluation in Taiwan, R.O.C. in order to improve the quality of teacher performance.

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Recommended Citation

Lee, Phoebe Po, "A teacher evaluation system for teachers in Taiwan based on current models in the United States" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9626450.
