"Late adolescents in transition: Social networks, parent relations, and" by Marcia E Silver

Late adolescents in transition: Social networks, parent relations, and well-being

Marcia E Silver, Florida International University


A two-year longitudinal study was conducted to investigate late adolescents in transition. An initial investigation with senior high school students assessed students prior to leaving home for college and after college entrance. Of the original 131 participants recontacted two years after their graduation, 78 returned surveys. The study (a) explored changes in social network structure and function, (b) determined whether late adolescent-parent-peer relations change over time, and (c) identified prospectively the impact of social support, adolescent-parent-peer relations, and attachment security on well-being and feelings about the transition after high school. Students attending college locally reported an increase in total network support at Time 2. Regardless of location, more support from friends was received after the transition from high school, whereas family support did not vary across time. Parent relations were closer after the transition and were predictive of various well-being measures and feelings about the transition from high school.

Subject Area

Developmental psychology|Social psychology|Families & family life|Personal relationships|Sociology

Recommended Citation

Silver, Marcia E, "Late adolescents in transition: Social networks, parent relations, and well-being" (1996). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI9623225.
