"Angular distribution of prompt photons using the compact muon solenoid" by Vanessa Gaultney Werner

Angular distribution of prompt photons using the compact muon solenoid detector at a square root of S = 7 TeV

Vanessa Gaultney Werner, Florida International University


The study of the angular distribution of photon plus jet events in pp collisions at [special characters omitted] = 7 TeV with the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector is presented. The photon is restricted to the central region of the detector (:η: <1.4442) while the jet is allowed to be present in both central and forward regions of CMS (:η: < 2.4). Dominant backgrounds due to jets fragmenting into neutral mesons are accounted for through the use of a template method that discriminates between signal and background. The angular distribution, :η*:, is defined as the absolute value of the difference in η between the leading photon and leading jet in an event divided by two. The angular distribution ranging from 0–1.4 was examined and compared with next-to-leading order QCD predictions and was found to be in good agreement.

Subject Area

Particle physics

Recommended Citation

Werner, Vanessa Gaultney, "Angular distribution of prompt photons using the compact muon solenoid detector at a square root of S = 7 TeV" (2012). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3554227.
