"Globalizing governmentality: Sites of neoliberal assemblage in the Ame" by Jason R Weidner

Globalizing governmentality: Sites of neoliberal assemblage in the Americas

Jason R Weidner, Florida International University


This dissertation analyzes processes of globalization, through a critical examination of the dynamics of neoliberalism in the Americas. It employs and also develops a Foucauldian governmentality analytical framework, demonstrating how such a framework contributes to our understanding of world politics. This dissertation also develops the concept of a liberal political imaginary—consisting of the market, society, and the state—and utilizes this as an analytical framework for understanding the globalization of neoliberal forms of governance. The research suggests that discourses and practices of globalization, global civil society, and global governance represent a fundamental transformation in the way that contemporary social and political reality is understood, and that this has significant consequences for the kinds of political practices and relations that are possible. Moreover, the research suggests the globalization of a neoliberal form of competitive subjectivity that can be applied to a broad range of actors—from individuals to nation-states and international organizations—is reshaping contemporary world politics. The dissertation concludes by suggesting how Foucauldian IR can move forward by incorporating studies of contemporary transformations in capitalism into their analyses.

Subject Area

International Relations

Recommended Citation

Weidner, Jason R, "Globalizing governmentality: Sites of neoliberal assemblage in the Americas" (2010). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3431314.
