"Estimation of global beta and tests of capital asset pricing models" by Leyuan You

Estimation of global beta and tests of capital asset pricing models

Leyuan You, Florida International University


With the rapid globalization and integration of world capital markets, more and more stocks are listed in multiple markets. With multi-listed stocks, the traditional measurement of systematic risk, the domestic beta, is not appropriate since it only contain information from one market. Prakash et al. (1993) developed a technique, the global beta, to capture information from multiple markets wherein the stocks are listed. In this study, the global betas are obtained as well as domestic betas for 704 multi-listed stocks from 59 world equity markets. Welch tests show that domestic betas are not equal across markets, therefore, global beta is more appropriate in a global investment setting. The traditional Capital Asset Pricing Models (CAPM) is also tested with regards to both domestic beta and global beta. The results generally support the positive relationship between stocks returns and global beta while tend to reject this relationship between stocks returns and domestic beta. Further tests of International CAPM with domestic beta and global beta strengthen the conclusion.

Subject Area


Recommended Citation

You, Leyuan, "Estimation of global beta and tests of capital asset pricing models" (2006). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3235622.
