"The non-linear acousto-mechanical and thermodynamic response of spheri" by Shijun Wang

The non-linear acousto-mechanical and thermodynamic response of spherical absorbers to laser pulses of various temporal profiles

Shijun Wang, Florida International University


This study is to theoretically investigate shockwave and microbubble formation due to laser absorption by microparticles and nanoparticles. The initial motivation for this research was to understand the underlying physical mechanisms responsible for laser damage to the retina, as well as the predict threshold levels for damage for laser pulses with of progressively shorter durations. The strongest absorbers in the retina are micron size melanosomes, and their absorption of laser light causes them to accrue very high energy density. I theoretically investigate how this absorbed energy is transferred to the surrounding medium. For a wide range of conditions I calculate shockwave generation and bubble growth as a function of the three parameters; fluence, pulse duration and pulse shape. In order to develop a rigorous physical treatment, the governing equations for the behavior of an absorber and for the surrounding medium are derived. Shockwave theory is investigated and the conclusion is that a shock pressure explanation is likely to be the underlying physical cause of retinal damage at threshold fluences for sub-nanosecond pulses. The same effects are also expected for non-biological micro and nano absorbers.

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Recommended Citation

Wang, Shijun, "The non-linear acousto-mechanical and thermodynamic response of spherical absorbers to laser pulses of various temporal profiles" (2005). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3169480.
