"The employee satisfaction -performance link: A unit -level analysis" by David L Van Rooy

The employee satisfaction -performance link: A unit -level analysis

David L Van Rooy, Florida International University


In this dissertation, I present an integrated model of organizational performance. Most prior research has relied extensively on testing individual linkages, often with cross-sectional data. In this dissertation, longitudinal unit-level data from 559 restaurants, collected over a one-year period, were used to test the proposed model. The model was hypothesized to begin with employee satisfaction as a key antecedent that would ultimately lead to improved financial performance. Several variables including turnover, efficiency, and guest satisfaction are proposed as mediators of the satisfaction-performance relationship. The current findings replicate and extend past research using individual-level data. The overall model adequately explained the data, but was significantly improved with an additional link from employee satisfaction to efficiency, which was not originally hypothesized. Management turnover was a strong predictor of hourly level team turnover, and both were significant predictors of efficiency. Full findings for each hypothesis are presented and practical organizational implications are given. Limitations and recommendations for future research are provided.

Subject Area

Occupational psychology

Recommended Citation

Van Rooy, David L, "The employee satisfaction -performance link: A unit -level analysis" (2005). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3169478.
