"Entre la provincia y el mundo. Modernidad e innovación en la narrativa" by Carlos B Espinosa Dominguez

Entre la provincia y el mundo. Modernidad e innovación en la narrativa de Lino Novás Calvo

Carlos B Espinosa Dominguez, Florida International University


Lino Novás Calvo (1903–1983) is by many considered the best Cuban short story writer. Critics acknowledge his major contribution to the modernization of narrative prose in that country. With Cayo Canas and La Luna Nona, the short story achieved a language of its own, a precise technique, an acute outlook and an awareness of its own individual art form. Nevertheless, his novels and short stories have not received the recognition and the distribution they deserve, in part because his books have not been reprinted. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the innovative character of Novás Calvo's work. From the starting point of traditional discourse, he gathered together the main tendencies that until then co-existed in Cuban literature (realism, social criticism, criollismo, Afro Cuban themes and cosmopolitism) and renewed them with modern contributions, mainly assimilated from American authors writing between the two World Wars. He based himself in a concept of realism that does not limit itself to recreating reality and that eludes language localisms and the portrayal of environments. He brought Cuban characters and themes to his stories which at the same gave them a universal dimension. Novás Calvo participated in debates which amounted to a rupture between tradition and localism and brought universality to the Cuban short story. This achieved the aesthetic syncretism imposed by modernity.

Subject Area

Latin American literature|Caribbean literature

Recommended Citation

Espinosa Dominguez, Carlos B, "Entre la provincia y el mundo. Modernidad e innovación en la narrativa de Lino Novás Calvo" (2004). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI3128606.
