"Democracy and Bureaucracy of Smart Place: Coral Gables, FL and the Rol" by Ramon Trias

Democracy and Bureaucracy of Smart Place: Coral Gables, FL and the Role of Aspirational Content in Local Governance

Ramon Trias, Florida International University


This dissertation explores the role aspirational content on democracy and bureaucracy for governance of place in the United States. Place is a fundamental concept for municipal democracy and bureaucracy, as it defines the physical qualities of a community and their effect on people and quality of life. Smart Place would update theory and practices for local governance. Research reviewed process and content for the implementation of place, a gap in public administration theory. Literature review, historical research on 20th century planning and zoning, research on 1920’s best practices on architecture and archival, qualitative findings and quantitative data on Coral Gables, Florida provided evidence for theory and practice recommendations related to timeless qualities of place and innovative smart strategies. Analysis of findings led to the following generalized conclusions: 1. Aspirational content should guide best practices for local democracy and bureaucracy on issues related to place. 2. Governance of smart place should replace conventional planning and zoning.

Subject Area

History|Public administration|Public policy

Recommended Citation

Trias, Ramon, "Democracy and Bureaucracy of Smart Place: Coral Gables, FL and the Role of Aspirational Content in Local Governance" (2019). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI30244518.
