"A Quantitative Study of Expatriate Hotel Managers in Mainland China: A" by Wei Ding

A Quantitative Study of Expatriate Hotel Managers in Mainland China: An Exploration of Perceived Organizational Justice as a Mediator of Local Employee Job Satisfaction and Their Evaluation of Expatriate Manager Leadership Performance

Wei Ding, Florida International University


This nonexperimental, quantitative study (N = 283) is investigated the relationship between organizational justice, job satisfaction, and expatriate leadership performance. The study was undergirded by both social exchange (Blau, 1964) and transformational leadership theory (Bass & Avolio, 1990). The target population of the study was local employees who work with expatriate managers in the hospitality industry in Mainland China. Sixty four percent (n = 182) of the sample was female and 36% (n = 101) of the sample was male. The research hypotheses were tested using correlational, regression analyses, and structural equation modeling. The results show that there is a positive relationship between employee job satisfaction and employees’ perceptions of the expatriate leader’s job performance. Also, it shows there was a positive relationship between organizational justice and employee job satisfaction. Furthermore, it confirmed that relationship between job satisfaction and leadership performance was mediated by organizational justice. The results of the study further understandings of social exchange theory and transformational leadership in a cross-cultural leadership context. It provides evidence of the direction and magnitude of relationships between organizational justice, job satisfaction and expatriate leadership performance. In addition, the results of the research help hospitality industry leaders face the reality of how local employees perceive their performance, and play a vital role to identify possible opportunities and shortcomings in HRD policies and procedures. Human resource development professionals can focus on creating developmental interventions that promote organizational justice, employee job satisfaction, and encourage a positive psychological climate.

Subject Area

Adult education|Management|Occupational psychology|Labor relations|Organizational behavior

Recommended Citation

Ding, Wei, "A Quantitative Study of Expatriate Hotel Managers in Mainland China: An Exploration of Perceived Organizational Justice as a Mediator of Local Employee Job Satisfaction and Their Evaluation of Expatriate Manager Leadership Performance" (2019). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI28968742.
