"Employee Attribution of Human Resource Practices and Implications for " by Merlene Reid

Employee Attribution of Human Resource Practices and Implications for Commitment, Turnover and Job Performance in Local Government Police

Merlene Reid, Florida International University


This explanatory, non-experimental study examined the relationship between employees Attribution of HR Practices, organizational commitment, turnover intent and extra-role job performance. Using data from an online, self-report survey of 147 police officers, four hypotheses were tested via SEM, multivariate and multiple regression analyses. Attribution to locus of causality was significantly related to commitment levels, with officers attributing internal causes for any personal, financial impact that arose from pension reforms and overall changes to their compensation packages. Structural equation modeling results also found that HR Attribution drove a significant negative indirect path to turnover intent via affective commitment and a significant positive indirect path to extra-role job performance, also via affective commitment. Multiple regression analysis results however showed no significant difference between longer-tenured police officers and post-recession hires with reduced pension benefits, in respect of their continuance commitment levels or intent to quit.

Subject Area

Adult education

Recommended Citation

Reid, Merlene, "Employee Attribution of Human Resource Practices and Implications for Commitment, Turnover and Job Performance in Local Government Police" (2019). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI28773085.
