"Development of an integrated surface and subsurface model of Everglade" by Amy M Cook

Development of an integrated surface and subsurface model of Everglades National Park

Amy M Cook, Florida International University


An integrated surface-subsurface hydrological model of Everglades National Park (ENP) was developed using MIKE SHE and MIKE 11 modeling software. The model has a resolution of 400 meters, covers approximately 1050 square miles of ENP, includes 110 miles of drainage canals with a variety of hydraulic structures, and processes hydrological information, such as evapotranspiration, precipitation, groundwater levels, canal discharges and levels, and operational schedules. Calibration was based on time series and probability of exceedance for water levels and discharges in the years 1987 through 1997. Model verification was then completed for the period of 1998 through 2005. Parameter sensitivity in uncertainty analysis showed that the model was most sensitive to the hydraulic conductivity of the regional Surficial Aquifer System, the Manning's roughness coefficient, and the leakage coefficient, which defines the canal-subsurface interaction. The model offers an enhanced predictive capability, compared to other models currently available, to simulate the flow regime in ENP and to forecast the impact of topography, water flows, and modifying operation schedules.

Subject Area

Hydrologic sciences|Civil engineering|Environmental engineering

Recommended Citation

Cook, Amy M, "Development of an integrated surface and subsurface model of Everglades National Park" (2012). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1514727.
