"Liberalization without decentralization: Haiti under Namphy and Delato" by Adam M Silvia

Liberalization without decentralization: Haiti under Namphy and Delatour, 1986–1987

Adam M Silvia, Florida International University


Following Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier's flight into exile in February 1986, the President of Haiti's provisional Conseil National de Gouvernement (CNG), Lieutenant General Henri Namphy, and his Minister of Finance, Leslie Delatour, enacted liberal reforms. This study examined their initial doctrine, decrees, and institutions for democratization and free markets, within a historical context of over-centralization and exclusion. Its purpose was to explore the contradiction and consequences of pursuing liberalization by decree, without significant decentralization. The author extracted CNG doctrine from speeches, legislation, and economic records. He then juxtaposed it with the adverse results of market reforms and popular reactions gathered from nine Haitian newspapers and two archival collections. He found that CNG doctrine and institutions were inadequate for resolving exclusion and popular discontent. Rather the deficiency of market reforms and the insufficiency of representative institutions exacerbated exclusion, which the author identified as the source of confrontation and violence in 1987.

Subject Area

Latin American history|Economic history

Recommended Citation

Silvia, Adam M, "Liberalization without decentralization: Haiti under Namphy and Delatour, 1986–1987" (2009). ProQuest ETD Collection for FIU. AAI1481573.
